The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 considers “compulsory education” as an obligation of
the government. This Act provides for free elementary education and
ensures compulsory admission, attendance and completion of elementary
education to every child in the 6-14 age group in a neighbourhood
school. This Act:
- Specifies duties and responsibilities of appropriate Governments, local authorities and parents;
- Lays down the norms and standards relating inter alia to Pupil Teacher Ratios and infrastructure;
- Prohibits physical punishment and mental harassment;
- The Right of Children to Free And Compulsory Education Act, 2009. (1,389 KB)
- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules , 2010. (4,595 KB)
- Article 21A of the Constitution - Constitution (Eighty - Sixth Amendment) Act , 2002. (169 KB)
- Notification
of the Constitution (Eighty-Sixth Amendment) Act , 2002 and Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act , 2009. (169 KB)
- Model Rules under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act , 2009. (144 KB)
- Notification
for appointment of NCTE as academic authority u/s 23 of the RTE Act and
of NCERT as the academic authority u/s 29 of the RTE Act (123 KB)
- Guidelines under Section 35(1) of the RTE Act regarding implementation of Section 25( 1 ) (89 KB)
- Corrigendum in respect of section 19(1) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act , 2009 (277 KB)
- Notification of Constitution of National Advisory Council ( NAC ) u/s 33(1) of the RTE Act. (724 KB)
- Development of framework of national curriculum u/s 7 of the RTE Act. (261 KB)
- Guidelines u/s 35(1) regarding deployment of teachers for elections u/s 27 of the RTE Act. (576 KB)
- Notification
of NCTE laying down the minimum qualification for a person to be
eligible for appointment as a School teacher u/s 23 (1) of the RTE
Act. (2,184 KB)
- Minutes of the Meeting on the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 held on 14th August, 2010 (2,184 KB)
- Guidelines for Relaxation U/s 23 (2) of the RTE Act, 2009. (1,418 KB)
- Guidelines Regarding applicability of RTE Act on Minority Institutions. (321 KB)
- Guidelines Regarding Procedure for School Admission Under RTE Act, (793 KB)
- Guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) under RTE Act., (172 KB)
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