Dear Friends

A lot of concerned guest teachers are visiting this blog about future of guest teachers in Haryana. Everything on this blog is my personal opinion only nothing here represents the view of any Govt body or any organization. Nearly eight years have now passed since guest teachers were appointed in Haryana. Since then they are struggling for their rights. Probably this was the first mass appointment of teachers which largely free from political favor, nepotism and other irregularities barring few such incidences at the level of Headmasters and Principals. Poorest among poor educated youth got the opportunity to work in Govt. Schools. Every effort was made to held their appointment as illegal initially by Govt itself and then by Patra Adhyapaks etc. Their case ultimately reached the door of Supreme Court and still their future is hanging in balance. No breakthrough could be reached in recent meeting between Guest teachers and Chief Minister Sh Bhupinder Singh Hooda. He supposed to have taken a hard stand on the question of their regularization. Regularization is their ultimate demand and that should be!! Now what next? No doubt executive is the supreme authority and CM being its head. His Govt can decide in their favor at the opportune time and that time might not yet came. Legal hurdles are there but that are not something which have no solutions. That’s why no announcement was made in a Grand Rally in Gohana regarding guest teachers as govt have no immediate policy for them and even they might want to keep the matter in cold box. Govt may be fearing of the demand of regularization from other part time workers in various departments if Guest teachers are made regular. Guest teachers have to build pressure on Govt for realization of their demand particularly in election year to come. Govt’s pleasure and appeasement is only their savior. Hope for best of their future.

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